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Monthly Classes


Enroll your Maker in one of our themed monthly classes for 5 hours total of art-making fun, divided over four consecutive weekly sessions! Classes are divided into age groups so projects can better reflect Makers' skill sets and learning capabilities.* Please ensure your child is enrolled in their age-appropriate class.


Monthly registration includes: Three or Four 1.25 hour sessions**, all materials, and instruction

Pricing reflects a combination of:  total class duration, cost of materials including specialty items, and the amount of preparation required per project. 

Monthly Class Registrations are non-refundable. Monthly Class registrations are non-transferrable as of 2 weeks prior to the first class.

Makers who are sick or unable to attend a class may make up their class the same or following week, at the instructor's discretion.


**SELECH Monthly classes, including Tots and Drawing Clubs, include THREE 1.25 hour sessions, in alignment with school breaks and holidays.


Specific dates for each class are listed in the booking description.


*Makers may be invited to join the next level of class at the instructor's discretion ONLY after working with them in their intended class.

Class Schedule (August 2024-May 2025):


Drawing Club I (ages 6-9*):



Select Adult Nights,

see schedule



Pre-K/Kinder: 4:30-5:45pm


Grades 1-4:






Grades 1-4:



Drawing Club II:






Adult Nights






Adult Nights, Special Events

Private Parties






Homeschool Classes + Private Lessons:

*By Request*


We offer group and individual lessons for Homeschool Students, for which Miss Megan can follow after-school class curriculums or create an individualized lessons. 


Group lessons: Minimum of 3 students, meet once/week for 1.25 hours, pay by the month. Prices range from $65-90 per month, dependent on frequency/length of lessons and materials needed. 


Private lessons: $30 per hour, meeting once per week  for 1 to 2 hours per session.


Please contact Miss Megan directly to check for availability and pricing. 


 Drawing Club:
Levels I +II:

Makers will practice a variety of drawing skills in our new Drawing Club sessions!

Register by the month to secure 3 or 4 consecutive weekly sessions of Drawing Fun! All projects will be loosely inspired by the topics of our regular Monthly Classes, but with a focus on developing drawing skills and practicing with a variety of drawing materials.


Examples of skills/concepts to be referenced throughout the year include, perspective, observational drawing, mark making, portraiture/figure drawing, and more.

Materials used may include graphite, pen and ink, pastels, markers, and more. 


Drawing Club Level I Makers (ages 6-9*) meet Mondays from 4:30-5:45pm

Drawing Club Level II Makers (ages 10+) meet Wednesdays from 6:00-7:15pm



*Makers in Drawing Club Level I may be invited to advance to Level II early, at the instructor's discretion


Find Monthly Class themes and pricing below!




Spring 2024/25 Semester


Monthly Maker + Drawing Club Classes:

Themed Monthly Classes available for a variety of age Groups!​


Spring Semester Registration Bundle and save! Available through January 10:

Monthly Makers, any grade level, January-May: $395

Drawing Clubs, any level, January-May: $375

*any additional offers excluded on Semester Bundle*

Snake Skin Texture


Rainbow Snakes

Mixing Color + Color Families

3-Week Session; beginning the week of January 13

Learn about mixing color and color families while creating a variety of snakes in preparation for Lunar New Year!

Monthly Maker Classes: $75 per Maker

Drawing Clubs: $70 per Maker

Feb Shadowboxes.png


Shadowboxes Two Ways

Inspired by Joseph Cornell + Louise Nevelson

4-Week Session; beginning the week of February 3

Monthly Maker classes will create two different versions of shadowbox art, inspired by artists who both used found and recycled materials. Joseph Cornell created collage-style assemblages using small objects and paper materials. Louise Nevelson created textural art pieces by arranging objects and painting them all one color, usually black or white. Monthly Makers will create small versions in each style, Drawing Clubs will practice arranging objects as a composition before painting white in order to capture the texture and value!

Monthly Maker Classes: $95 per Maker

Drawing Clubs: $90 per Maker

Emily Carr.jpg


Swirly Worlds

Landscapes inspired by Emily Carr

3-Week Session; beginning the week of March 3;

NO CLASS the week of March 17, see our special Spring Break Camps!

Makers will create landscapes inspired by Canadian artist Emily Carr. Carr's paintings have a strong sense of movement, which Makers will work to replicate in their own paintings and drawings!


Makers will have the opportunity to showcase their landscape in Miss Megan's booth at this years Lubbock Arts Festival in April!

Monthly Maker Classes: $75 per Maker

Drawing Clubs: $70 per Maker



Found Faces

Famous Faces inspired by Holli Conger

4-Week Session, beginning the week of March 31

Makers will create their own portrait of their favorite inspirational person (historical figure, family member, cultural icon, or best friend!), inspired by the art of Holli Conger!

Monthly Maker Classes: $95 per Maker

Drawing Clubs: $90 per Maker

Woman holding frame for making paper sheets from waste paper pulp. Selective focus. Decora


Paper Making

DIY Sheets, Pulp Painting, and Seed Bombs!

4-Week Session, beginning the week of April 28

Learn to make your own paper in this month's class! We'll create our own paper pulp to create small sheets of paper. Drawing Clubs will get to draw on their paper, Monthly Makers will "paint" with colorful paper pulp! We'll also make Seed Bomb sheets, just in time for planting!

Monthly Maker Classes: $95 per Maker

Drawing Clubs: $90 per Maker

Miss Megan's Make Room


2619 34th Street, Suite 3

Lubbock, TX 79410

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